Saturday, June 9, 2012

Free Conan O'Brien T-Shirts 6/11-14!

Team Coco here! I watch (or try my best) to catch Conan's show on TBS every night before bedtime. My poor son even knows who Conan is, and when I don't have it on he'll ask "Are you going to watch Conan?" Horrible, right - Why is this kid up so late, and how many 5 year olds recognize this guy, lol.

Anyway - Starting next week, June 11-14, Conan will be in Chicago and giving away 1,500 T-Shirts every night!  So here's what you have to do:

1. Watch Conan on TBS at YOUR LOCAL time zone.
2. Look for a secret code, and when you see it - WRITE IT DOWN
3. Go HERE to enter in the secret code, complete the entry form, and get possibly get a FREE T-Shirt created by Chicago artists & fans.

  • The first 750 people in the Eastern, Central and Mountain time zones, and the first 750 people in Pacific time zone will win one (1) CONAN T-shirt. 
  • Limit one (1) Sweepstakes Entry per person and per email address per day. 
  • All prize winners will receive their prizes by mail at the address given at time of Sweepstakes Entry within two (2) months of the close of the Sweepstakes.
Like the deals I'm posting? Head over HERE to "like" my fan page. Thank you for the support!

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