Monday, July 9, 2012

Power Of Attorney: Do you have one? Great Article

I read this great article on Power of Attorney and said to myself "I HAVE GOT TO SHARE WITH MY MILITARY WIVES!" 

Let me tell you - I am so thankful and count my blessings everyday that my husband is not deploying (yet) BUT I still have an active POA (just in case). A friend of mine told me to ALWAYS ALWAYS have an active POA no matter what, you never know!!!

Here is what a Power of Attorney (POA):
  • A power of attorney is a legal document that allows the named person, like you, to conduct business on behalf of someone else, like your spouse.
  • If your spouse is deploying or leaving the country for any extended length of time, make sure he or she has a power of attorney prepared before departing. Luckily, most installations designate time for your spouse to meet with legal for this very purpose during deployment work-ups.
  • Know exactly where this document is at all times while your spouse is away. Consider storing it with other important documents, like a safe or file cabinet. If you end up needing it, you’ll want it to be easily accessible.
  • A power of attorney can be used for everything from freezing cell phone plans to leases or mortgages, and lots of other things in between.
You can read this cute article posted on Military OneSource by Kristi.

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