Sunday, February 27, 2011

2/27 Walgreens Trip worth $80 - Cost $13.49

Good week to hit Walgreens! Total cost $13.49. Look for $1 off peelies for the Dry Nose Spray and Schick razor 11 Free Songs. 

2  Schick Razors - $2 $8.99 $17.98
2  Ramen Noodles (filler) $1.39 $2.78
2  Aquaphor Lip Care - FREE $4.99 $9.98
3  Colgate - FREE $2.99 $8.97
1  Nasigel Dry Nose- FREE $4.99 $4.99
7  Breath Right Travel Sz - $1.98 $0.99 $6.93
2  Motrin PM-FREE $3.00 $6.00
2  Chicken Broth $0.50 $1.00
2  Lollipops (filler) $0.50 $1.00
2  Anti-Aging Vitamins-FREE $10.00 $20.00


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